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Indonesia will build a new container port in the Batam Free Trade Zone and Free Port in Tanjung Pinggir, Sekupang Sub-district.

该公告是由海事和投资部长卢胡特·宾萨尔·潘贾伊坦(Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan)宣布的。

The announcement was made byMinister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.


“We will build a green and smart port,” said Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan during a visit to the proposed loCATion for the port in Batam.


开发区占地 94 公顷,但将通过填海工程增至约 330 公顷。部长还表示,这个港口将比雅加达的丹戎不鲁克港口更大。

The design of the new port will be based around green operations being environmentally friendly, specifically protecting the surrounding lakes and mangroves. The development area spans 94 hectares but is set to be increased to around 330 hectares through reclamation. TheMinister also stated that this port will be larger than Tanjung Priok Port in Jakarta.

由于 COVID-19 大流行,港口建设先前已停止。最重要的是,印尼的港口建设成本相对较高,物流占成本的23%。

Port construction has been previously halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On top of this, the cost of building the port in Indonesia is relatively high, with logistics accounting for 23 per cent of the costs.

“我们同意到 2040 年将成本降低 17%,”他继续说道。

“We agreed that we would push the cost to drop by 17 per cent by 2040,” he continued.

通过使用 2020 年 3 月在巴淡岛启动的国家物流生态系统,数字化将在港口的基础设施中发挥重要作用。

Digitalisation will play a large part in the port’s infrastructure, through the use of the National Logistic Ecosystem, which was launched in Batam in March 2020.


“We [the government] act as the regulator, creating thetime frame and study. The regional-owned enterprises (BUMDs) and private companies will invite the foreign investors,” the Minister concluded.

在最近的其他消息中,印度尼西亚投资局 (INA) 此前与DP World签署了一项战略联盟协议,通过向其海港设施投资 75 亿美元来加强印度尼西亚的海事和港口部门。

In other recent news, the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) previously signed a strategic alliance agreement with DP World to enhance the maritime and port sector in Indonesia through investing $7.5 billion into its seaport facilities.

根据协议,DP World 将利用其世界一流的技术和最佳实践来开发新的港口码头和资产,从而提高航运效率并加强岛际和国际连通性。

As per the agreement, DP World will bring its world-class technology and best practices to develop new port terminals and assets, enabling greater shipping efficiency and enhancing inter-island and international connectivity.


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